Our Mission

The National Hispanic Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees (NHCFAE) is a professional, diverse organization that focuses on advocating career placement and advancement through support, education and alliances.

Our Vision

To be the leading Hispanic employee association among all federal government agencies, recognized and regarded for its educational, recruitment, outreach and career development

Our Backgroud Picture


The National Hispanic Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees (NHCFAE) was established in 1978 in an effort to provide a network for employees of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Aviation Industry. It became a national organization in 1983. Today, the Coalition is the chief advocate for issues affecting Hispanics and all it's members from all ethnic backgrounds in the FAA. The Coalition derives its support from membership dues, corporate sponsorship and private donations.


Audit Budget
The Audit Budget Committee shall be chaired by the National Director of Resources. The committee should consist of the Director of Resources for each of the regions/centers. The Audit Budget Committee shall ensure the financial viability of the NHCFAE and all of the chapters.

The Elections Committee shall be chaired by the Election Committee Chairperson, who will be chosen by the Executive Board. The committee will consist of a member representative in good standing appointed by each of the candidates for national office. The Elections Committee shall ensure the accuracy and fairness of the National Elections.

The Executive Committee shall be chaired by The National President. The committee will consist of the Executive Board and each of the Regional/Center Directors. The Executive Committee shall prepare the strategic planning of the NHCFAE.

The Conference Committee shall be chaired by a member in good standing appointed by the Executive Board. The committee shall be made up of the host RCD and members in good standing and advised by the National DOR, DOPA, and Corporate Relations chairperson.

The Membership Committee shall be chaired by a member in good standing appointed by the Executive Board. The committee should be made up of a member in good standing from each of the chapters.

The Outreach Committee shall be chaired by a member in good standing appointed by the Executive Board. The committee should be made up of a member in good standing from each of the chapters. The Outreach Committee shall educate the general public about the career opportunities within the agency.

Communications Committee
The Communications Committee (aka “Comm-Comm”) was established in January, 2012 to create a more efficient, transparent and targeted internal communication system among the NHCFAE Executive Board, the Regional Chapter Directors and all NHC members, from top leadership down and from members to top leadership, region to region, and with external entities such as other employee associations.

Constitution and Bylaws
The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall be chaired by a member in good standing appointed by the Executive Board. The committee shall be made up of members in good standing.

Corporate Relations
The Corporate Relations Chair shall be appointed by the Executive Board. The committee shall be made up of members in good standing. The Corporate Relations Committee establishes and coordinates the NHCFAE relationship with our corporate partners.

male hispanic air traffic control team member



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hispanic pilot in cockpit of plane smiling giving thumbs up