Danny Gutierrez Scholarship
The Danny Gutierrez Memorial Scholarship was developed to assist students studying electronics and engineering majors, who need financial assistance to attend college. Each year, one scholarship is awarded to one individual who is studying electronics or engineering majors. Danny was a friend and mentor to many NHCFAE members, with a passion to help those in need. Especially those whose dream was to achieve higher education. Danny began his career in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) after graduating from California State University Northridge with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.
The Danny Gutierrez Memorial Scholarship was established in his memory. On March 26, 2008, Danny succumbed to a long battle with cancer. Danny was a member of NHCFAE for twelve years and during six of those he held the position of Regional Chapter Director for the Western Pacific Chapter. He served one year as the Vice President to finish out a term that was left vacant. Eventually, he became the National Director of Resources for two and a half years, until the time of his passing.
Danny’s spirit of honesty, along with his loyalty, humor and friendship is sincerely missed by those who had the honor of knowing him.
This year, the Danny Gutierrez Scholarship application filing periods is from February 13, 2024 to May 1, 2024.
Current Application Period open until June 1, 2024
STEP 1: Check Your Eligibility
- Major field of study must be in Engineering/Technical (ONLY)
- Must be a US Citizen or a permanent resident residing in the United States or Puerto Rico.
- Current DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients
- Applicants must be accepted or attending an accredited college, university, or vocational/trade school at the time the scholarship is awarded.
- All applications must be submitted by June 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM EDT. Applications received after the application deadline will NOT be accepted.
Step 2: Get the Details
- Current application period February 13, 2024 to June 1, 2024. The NHCFAE Scholarship Selection Committee evaluates applicants on the following criteria:
- Engineering/Technical (ONLY)
- Financial Need
- Academic Achievement
- Student Activities
- Honors/Awards
- Community Involvement
- Leadership
- Personal Qualities and Strengths
- The NHCFAE Scholarship Selection Committee evaluates application packages and all decisions by the committee are FINAL.
- After scholarship is awarded recipients will be asked to write a short article for the NHCFAE FAAmilia magazine.
- After scholarship is awarded scholarship recipients will asked to video under 60 seconds explaining their educational goals and how the scholarship will help achieve them.
- Scholarship recipients will be acknowledged during the Annual National Training Conference.
- Scholarship names will be published in the NHCFAE website and in our FAAmilia magazine.
Step 3: Apply
- Complete the online application at: Application for Danny Gutierrez Scholarship. Scholarships will be awarded based on the information contained on this scholarship application.
- Upload a copy of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Financial Report submitted to the college, university or vocation/trade school where you are or will be enrolled.
- Upload an Official Transcript to the application of recent high school/college/vocational or trade school and a verification of enrollment must accompany your application. Please have school compute and annotate GPA on official transcript based on 4.0 (unweighted). First year graduate students are to send their undergraduate transcript.
- Letter of Recommendation (dated within past year) is to be submitted from a school official who can verify your academic honors and/or awards; student activities; and community involvement as well as discuss your potential for future success. It should address qualities such as motivation, self-confidence, leadership and commitment. The name of the school with an address and telephone number of the official writing the recommendation should be included. Upload the Letter of Recommendation to the application if you have more than one letter, combine them into one file and upload that file.
Key Dates
- February 13, 2024- Application period Opens @ 8:00 AM Eastern Time
- June 1, 2024 - Application period Closes @ 11:59 PM Eastern Time
- August 1-3, 2024 - Scholarship recipients will be acknowledged during the Annual National Training Conference.
- September 30, 2024-Selected applicants will be notified no later than September 30, 2024 and names will be displayed on the NHCFAE Danny Gutierrez Scholarship webpage.
Applicants will not be discriminated on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.
Questions in reference to this Scholarship program may be submitted to the National Director of Education at doe@nhcfae.org.

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