FAAmilia Magazine

What is FAAmilia?

FAAmilia, a member benefit, is the quarterly magazine published by the NHCFAE. FAAmilia keeps its members informed and connected through important announcements, entertaining and informative articles, advertising, and special submissions. If you would like to subscribe to or advertise in FAAmilia, please contact dopa@nhcfae.org.

It’s your organization. Tell us about your own FAAmilia! Submissions of articles should focus on the NHCFAE mission, issues, promotions, events or recognition of FAA employees and/or NHCFAE members. Please include your name, region and a photograph. Please label your photograph with a caption. Submissions should be in MSWord format and photos should be sent separate in Jpeg format.

FAAmilia magazine

FAAmilia Vol.13-July 2024

FAAmilia Vol.12- Winter 2023

FAAmilia Vol.11-Oct.2023: “Post Conference edition”

FAAmilia Vol.10-July 2023

FAAmilia Vol.9- January 2023

FAAmilia Vol.8-Sep.2022 “Post-Conference Edition”

FAAmilia Vol.7-July 2022

FAAmilia Vol.6-Dec. 2021

FAAmilia Vol.5- June 2021

FAAmilia Vol.4- November 2020

FAAmilia Vol.3-August 2020

FAAmilia Vol 1 Nov 2019 – ONLINE Version

FAAmilia Vol 2 March 2020 – ONLINE Version

La Palabra Archives